Well Abandonment

Both New Mexico and Colorado Rules and Regulations require that all unused and unpermitted wells are properly abandoned. This includes water wells, monitoring holes, observation wells and test wells. This is done because abandoned wells are often an easy and direct route for contaminants to enter your ground water.  In addition, abandoned wells pose a liability for the owner as exposed well holes can create dangerous situations for livestock and humans alike.

The process of abandoning a well includes the placement of sand & clay soils in the borehole & pumping a cement grout. This process is unique to each individual well depending on the well construction and location of the well.

Mack’s Drilling can help with all of your well abandonment needs in the Northeastern New Mexico and Southeastern Colorado area.

Contact us for a free onsite consultation and estimate.


License Info:

New Mexico Licenses:

> Water Well Drilling #WD-916
> Electrical/Plumbing #361349

Colorado License:

> Water Well Contractor #1410

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